Ever since, my clothes are my greatest treasure. I remember when I was a kid, the first household chores that I learned first is washing my clothes. As much as I wanted my clothes to last, several washes can show signs of aging.
Thankfully, Unilever introduced a new product that has anti-aging properties. You will definitely love the Comfort Care Detergent.

Celebrities and fashion enthusiasts posted how they can now confidently wear and style their favorite pieces over and over because of Comfort Care Detergent. The launch was held at Alegria Alta in Makati where they set up an interactive studio to learn more about how the new Comfort Care Detergent fights the five signs of clothes aging: color fading, shape loss, bobbling, yellowness and roughness. Attendees were even able to magnify different fabric swatches to prove Comfort’s efficacy through Fabric Analyzers.

Comfort has proven to be a game-change in the category with its youthful tonality and refreshing brand purpose.

The Comfort range is powered by two of the most superior technologies ever seen in the category.

- Advanced Anti-Aging Technology in Comfort Fabric Solution products (fabric cleaning) prevents clothes from aging by caring for every fiber in clothing, it also prevents the signs of wear out: pilling/bobbling (himulmol). In addition, it prevents ash residue that gets deposited in the fabric, which affects color vibrancy.
- Advanced Triple Care Technology in Comfort Fabric Sensation products (fabric conditioning) enhances the beauty of clothes, protecting them from color fading, fiber pilling (himulmol), and shape loss, ensuring smoother and softer-fell clothes.
Comfort is available in powder detergent, liquid detergent, fabric conditioner, detergent capsules and dry wash spray, and in two variants: Glamour Care and Casual Care.
Here’s my 4 tips on how I take care of my favorite clothes
- I hand wash my clothes.
- Check the caring labels of your clothes because there are types of cloth that needs to be hand wash.
- Refrain from using rough tools in washing you’re clothes.
- As much as possible, refrain from using bleach.

How about you? Do you have tips you want to add?
Follow @comfortphilippines on Instagram to learn more about how Comfort protects clothes fibers to fight the 5 signs of clothes aging. Comfort is now available in all leading supermarkets nationwide and online through Lazada and Shopee.
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