As Father’s Day approaches, we reflect on all of the sacrifices that our fathers have made for us. This is a great time to thank them for working long hours to pay for our tuition, picking us up from school or work if the weather is bad, or simply saving up for the pair of shoes we’ve been begging him to buy. No matter how difficult the road of life may be, our Fathers will do everything in their power to provide and care for us.
As our fathers guide us to navigate the rocky roads of life, we also celebrate them with a special sweet treat! Goldilocks, the country’s number one bakeshop is happy to announce their premium cake for July and the perfect Father’s day gift, the Goldilocks Chocolate Almond CrunchCake!

This delicious three-layered chocolate sponge cake is filled with chocolate frosting, marshmallow, chocolate chips, and chocolate-coated cashew nuts. The whole cake is iced with choco whipped cream and coated with milk chocolate ganache, and topped with white chocolate-coated mallow, almond nuts, chocolate-coated cashew nuts, giving it the perfect blend of softness and crunch, just like our dads!Make your Father’s day extra special with Goldilocks Chocolate Almond Crunch Cake. Grab this special cake on June 11, 2021, for Luzon only& June 14, 2021, to all Goldilocks stores nationwide, and for more information, you may follow @GoldilocksPH on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or visit the official Goldilocks website at ph